August 21, 2009

Swine Flu....H1N1...Selsema babi.....

so..As we all know day by day there a people died because of this disease...
above is the symptoms of the swine flu that need to be awared...
so...take all the precautions to prevent us from this disease...
what we can do is....
1. avoid being at the attracted place
2.always wear the mask
3.regularly use detergent,water or alcohol to clean their hands

that's all the precautions that had been provided by the Ministry of Health....'s up to you guys out ther to follow it or not...

as our 'peribahasa' said....

"Mencegah lebih baik daripada Mengubati"


Sheida said...

salam aizat..
awal tahun 2010 anak sy kena H1N1. mulanya demam panas setinggi 39.c 3 hari berturut2 walopon da kasi panadol. tak turun2...bawak ke emergency dept utk kanak2...dr buat scan, amek swab bahagian hidung n mulakan obat tamilflu. lepas tu kena masuk ICU. ohh sedih sgt2..lepas 2 hari, result keluar sah positif H1N1 tapi tak tau dari mane terkena jangkitan ni. lepas 4 hari jaga anak, sy pulak terkena jangkitan H1N1. mmg sakit satu badan bisa bisa n demam panas sampai x larat nak bangun n buat ape2 sebab rasa mabuk n nak pitam. utk sapa yg terkena h1n1 ni mmg kesian...sabar ajelah..

aizatshafiq said...

@follow your bliss ke...
teruk jugak ye...
alhamdulillah sekarang dah sihat kan?..
thanks sebab sharing pengalaman ye...