June 30, 2009

with the villain.....of Star Wars

I'm sure all of you know who they are....
this picture is taken at Sunway Pyramid...taken with Darth Vader and Storm Trooper....
another one...emmmm....Captain Of the Death Star...I think so....hehehe...

June 29, 2009

hye guys....

sorry guys...
its been a long time i didn't show up with a new post...this bcoz all the wireless connection that is hard for me to get...maklum la...tkde broadband..so..quite mls la jgk nk online...
currently...i'm doing my industrial training at a company located in Rawang...to know further about my company...keep in touch k...hehehe....
not much to talk about...lgpun nie tgh keje...so curi2 kejap...
i'll come with another post tomorrow...

catch up later....