August 20, 2009

Bus?....Flight?...any other Public Transport?....

every year...when approaching Ramadhan...
what i've always forget about is my Bus Ticket to my hometown....
i always forgot to bought it early...
then, when i realised that i haven't bought my ticket....
it's already late to get one...
so...what supposed a person like me need to do?...
getting a last minute ticket for additional bus?...
is it satisfied?...
so what's ur opinion about getting the public transport going back to our hometown?....


Faizalpj said...

1st time fasting at rawang laa

aizatshafiq said...

APe kaitannyye tu?...
orng discuss pasal public transport da...

Pisey said...

raye in kl!!!

lepas g smayag.
g tgok wayang
paka baju rayo.
